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Yemeni set alight Greek ship, Sounion at Red Sea over war in Gaza



Admin I Friday, August 23, 2024


YEMEN – The Yemeni Naval Forces has announced an attack on Sounion, a Greek ship on the Red Sea.

The Yemenis attacked the ship for violating ban on any ship linked to Israel from passing the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and other sea within its control over on going in Gaza that killed over 40,000 Palestinians, almost half children.

In a statement, the Yemeni Armed Forces said it was forced to attack the Greek ship SOUNION in the Red Sea, after the company violated the decision to ban entry into the ports of occupied Palestine.

The Yemenis have in the last 300 days targeted many ships, including war ships belonging to the British and the American for backing Israel in its genocidal war in Palestine and supplying Israel weapons which it has used in the bloodshed in Gaza.


The Yemenis said they will continue to target any ship linked to Israel until there is ceasefire in Gaza.

The Yemeni Armed Forces reiterated their warning to companies not to violate the ban imposed by them, and they affirmed that the next phase will be more severe and devastating for the ships and violating companies, as well as those linked to the “israeli,” American, and British ,  as long as the zionist enemy continues its aggression and siege against the Palestinian people.

They advised all ships passing through the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and the Indian Ocean not to manipulate data or conceal their identities to avoid falling under suspicion.

The Yemeni Armed Forces also thanked the companies that have complied with the ban decision and avoided sailing to the ports of occupied Palestine.

They assured that these ships can pass safely within the operational scope of the Yemeni Armed Forces.

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