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Palestinian resistant forces slam Israel’s Ben Gvir over plan to replace Al-Aqsa Mosque with synagogue

Israel's National Security Minister, Itamar Ben Gvir


Admin I Monday, August 26, 2024


GAZA, Palestine – Resistant fighters in Palestine are angry with  the statement credited to Israel’s National Security Minister, Mr. Itamar Ben Gvir that he intends to replace the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque with a jewish synagogue.

In a statement, Hamas  said the confirmation by Ben Gvir of his intention to build a Jewish synagogue in Al-Aqsa Mosque is a dangerous declaration, adding that the Arab and Islamic nations must bear their responsibilities in protecting Al-Aqsa and the sanctities.

“What was revealed by the terrorist minister Ben Gvir this morning regarding his intention to build a Jewish synagogue inside the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque represents a dangerous declaration that reflects the true intentions of the occupation government towards Al-Aqsa and its Arab and Islamic identity, as well as its criminal steps aimed at Judaizing it and tightening control over it”, Hamas said in the statement.

It added that the unprecedented crimes being committed by the fascist occupation in the Gaza Strip, extensive violations in the West Bank, and the free hand given to its ministers to implement their malicious plans in Al-Quds and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque—by desecrating, storming, and conducting provocative tours in it on a daily basis—are policies that pour more fuel on the fire and will only be met with more resistance “ from our people to protect our sanctities”.

Hamas called on people in the West Bank and the occupied interior to mobilize and gather at Al-Aqsa, to maintain a presence in its courtyards, and to confront the occupation’s plans.

“We also call on our valiant resistance and our revolutionary youth in the occupied West Bank to escalate their clashes with the criminal enemy and its settler herds.

“Our Arab and Islamic nations—governments, peoples, and organizations, led by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation—are called upon today to stand up to their responsibilities, to take a firm stance against the occupation’s plans and its blatant attacks on the first Qibla and the third of the Two Holy Mosques, and to work by all means to stop this brutal aggression against our Palestinian people and to protect our Islamic and Christian sanctities, foremost of which is the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque”, the group said.


Reacting to the development,  the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said
Ben Gvir’s statements regarding Al-Aqsa Mosque are part of a broad plan against Al-Quds.

“The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine stresses that the statements of the criminal Itamar Ben Gvir about building a synagogue in Al-Aqsa Mosque are part of the occupation government’s plans to attack the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Al-Quds, and to complete the Judaization of the city and cancel its Arab identity”, the statement added.

It noted that the crimes of the zionist government against the holy places in the city of Al-Quds are part of a policy that includes policies of expulsion, arrest, displacement, and settlement expansion.

“These crimes are not limited to Ben Gvir who has a long terrorist record, but rather it is a deeply rooted policy of the occupation government, and no one should believe the games of exchanging roles between the parties and leaders of terrorism in the occupation government, headed by the war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu”, the group noted.

It noted that Israel is exploiting the Arab silence and the absence of Islamic and Christian spiritual references, expanding its crimes in Al-Aqsa and accelerating its comprehensive aggression targeting the city’s identity, its sanctities, and its people.

“The silence, helplessness, and Arab and international complicity towards the war of extermination in Gaza whets the appetite of the leaders of zionist terrorism to implement all their terrorist plans against our people”, the group said.


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