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Hamas leaders killed in West Bank, Jenin as August becomes bloodiest month for Israel

Bloodiest month in Israel in war on Gaza
Leader of Hamas in West Bank


Admin I Friday, August 30, 2024


GAZA – The month of August has emerged as the bloodiest month for Israel since it launched the genocidal war on the Gaza Strip, having lost a total of 15 soldiers, while dozens of others were injured in the onslaught, the Palestinian Resistant Movement, Hamas has announced.

This is happening just as Israel has announced eliminating Hamas leaders in the West Bank and in Jenin.

Among those eliminated include Abu Shuja, West Bank and Wassem Hazem, the head of the Hamas militant organization in Jenin.

While announcing the demise of Wassem Hazem, the IDF said  IDF, ISA, and Israel Border Police counterterrorism operation in the northern Samaria area, the forces identified a terrorist cell led by Wassem Hazem, the head of the Hamas  organization in Jenin, in a vehicle in the area.


“Following the identification, Israel Border Police forces, following precise ISA intelligence, encountered and eliminated Hazem. Hazem was involved in carrying out and directing shooting and bombing attacks, and continuously advanced terrorist activities in the Judea and Samaria area.

“Shortly afterward, an IDF aircraft eliminated two additional terrorists while they attempted to flee from the vehicle that they were inside with Wassem Hazem. Maysara  Masharqa and Arafat Amer, two terrorist operatives in the Hamas terrorist organization in Jenin, operated under the command of Wassem Hazem and took part in shooting attacks against Israeli communities”, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari said in the statement.

Reacting to the development, Hamas said  “we mourn the leader “Abu Shuja” and all the martyrs of our people, and we affirm that the continuation of the occupation’s aggression on the West Bank will not break our people and our resistance.

-“The crimes of the occupation will set the ground ablaze under the feet of its terrified army and settlers, and will explode the volcano of latent anger in the West Bank. We promise the occupation more losses and disappointments with the deepening of the aggression on the West Bank”, Hamas said.


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