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Why end bad governance protest?

End Bad Governance Protest
President Bola Tinubu: You can save Nigerians from this economic hardship


Don’t forget that few months after the president assumed office, the issue of Luxury yacht, to which President Tinubu allocated N17.7 billion in the midst of this biting hunger surfaced but it was eventually bought under the guise of its being deployed for the Nigerian Navy.  Few months later, the Senate President Godswill Akpabio floated another issue, the purchase of a new Presidential jet for President Tinubu, for an office that already has 10 Presidential jets, all not less than 10 years old. Although the issue has died down, one would not be surprised if the jet is purchased, making many to wonder what the Nigerian Presidency is all about


Emmanuel Ukudolo I Friday, July 26, 2024


LAGOS, Nigeria – Isn’t it ironic that barely one year and few months that the President Bola Tinubu took over the reins of powers, the Nigerian economy is bleeding and is now worse than the eight years that former President Muhammadu Buhari spent in office?

Many who had classified the government of Buhari as the worst government ever have hurriedly beat a retreat seeing the stack reality on the ground and it appears that the Tinubu’s government would end up to be the worst ever government to rule Nigeria. But hope is not lost, as he has well over two years to redeem his now battered image.

Inflation is at an all time high, 34.2 percent as at June 2024, driven by pronouncement and policies of President Bola Tinubu, i.e, removal of fuel subsidy and floating of the Nigerian Naira.

So many companies have exited Nigeria with many intending to leave among them GSK, Dunlop(not under Tinubu), Procter & Gamble among others all leaving due to the high cost of doing business in Nigeria –  sourcing for forex and lack of steady power and the now very high cost of fuel.

The result is the high cost of goods and services.  But most impacted is food, worsened by insecurity which has made it impossible to farm. The cost of drugs has skyrocketed exponentially beyond the reach of the common man. Nigerians are waiting to see the impact of his Executive Order on the ever rising cost of drugs.

The latest statistics from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that  PMS now sells for  769.2 per litre on the average,  Diesel 1,403 per litre, kerosene N1,450.35 per litre while LPG, cooking gas sells for N 7,418.45 for 5kg, and with the  Nigerian Naira exchanging at N1600 to one USD, only very few  individuals  can  survive the present Nigerian economy.

For instance, the cost of housing has since skyrocketed beyond the rich of the common man. It is therefore not ironical that many now pass the night on the streets in Nigeria, even in the highbrow Lekki axis. Some even visit the trash bin looking for food to survive. Besides, it is now very common to walk the street and be accosted by individuals who will tell you that the last time they ate was 24 hours ago. The rate of suicide has become very rampant with many begging for the cold hands of death due to inability to cater for their material needs.

In the midst of this poverty, government officials gallivant with expensive vehicles, with unpatriotic convoys that portray Nigeria as a country brimming with milk and honey.  Corruption is palpable, with government playing to the gallery in the fight against corruption.

With many who have been accused of corruption like National Chairman of the All Progressive Congress, Alhaji Umar Ganduje accused of N1.38 billion bribe($413,000) and Godswill Akpabio, President of the Senate alleged to have diverted N19.25 billion meant for development of the oil rich Niger Delta Area from the Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC and other messy deals sitting in Government, Nigerians could only see the Tinubu Government as one that condone corruption even in very high places.

Nigerians were further infuriated by the way huge sum of money was  allocated to the National Assembly in the 2024 budget  to the tune of N344 billion after an initial N70 billion to the same lawmakers, which only portray the Tinubu government as one only interested in allocating the money he is milking from the poverty stricken Nigerians in the removal of subsidy to politicians.

More vexatious is the fact that they lawmaker whose duty out to be purely law making are amassing wealth which they deploy in purchase of properties to satisfy themselves and their families at the expense of the suffering Nigerian people.


By the last count, Tinubu has 48 ministers and 560 aides, one now wonders if the president is actually serious about cutting the cost of governance. It is now common to see Presidency in vehicles in Lagos driven allegedly by some lowlife for the role they played in the fraudulent election that brought Tinubu to power.

Don’t forget that few months after the president assumed office, the issue of Luxury yacht, to which President Tinubu allocated N17.7 billion in the midst of this biting hunger surfaced but it was eventually bought under the guise of its being deployed for the Nigerian Navy.

Few months later, the Senate President Godswill Akpabio floated another issue, the purchase of a new Presidential jet for President Tinubu, for an office that already has 10 Presidential jets, all not less than 10 years old. Although the issue has died down, one would not be surprised if the jet is purchased, making many to wonder what the Nigerian Presidency is all about.

A presidency that swims in splendor while those governed cannot even get three square meals per day not to talk of where they will lay their heads. It is just as the late Afrobeat king has said, “Monkey dey work Baboon dey chop”. One now wonders what has come about the oath to serve and protect the most vulnerable population.

Basically the demands of the protest, “End Bad Governance” could not  be too relevant at this moment, seeing the track records of the government in just 14 months.

The demands include free education, which Nigeria can afford, which those in government benefited from, end insecurity, declare a state of emergency on inflation and disclose lawmakers’ pay among others.  These demands are quite within what government can address in a jiffy if it really wants to.  The protest is slated for August 1 -10, 2024 and it is expected to be far reaching in the face of a biting hunger and frustration across the land.

But as the youths come out to protest, they must be mindful of the need to proceed in peace, marshal out their plans and refrain from destruction of public properties. The properties of government should never be the target. The target should be government policy, reduction of the pump price of PMS must be topmost, cut in the size of government, with the Presidency seen to be leading the way if Nigerians must continue to fasten their seat belt.

Government must however resist the urge to carry out a counter protest during the period. A counter protest and injection of thugs to attack a peaceful rally is nothing but invitation to violence.

Already, there are reports of Lagos State planning a counter protest for the same period – this should be averted at all cost. The constitution of Nigeria guarantees freedom of association and movement, even with the Supreme Court affirming that anybody protesting needs no police permission except to inform the police to provide protection for the peaceful protest and guard against infiltration by thugs.





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