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Ukraine: Baerbock promises more fireworks against Putin at G20 summit

German feminist foreign policy
Annalena Baerbock, Minister for Foreign Affairs

Admin I Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024


BERLIN – German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has reminded the group of leading and emerging economic powers (G20) of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s responsibility for the global consequences of the war in Ukraine.

“If Putin believes that after two years the world will forget who is responsible for the war in Ukraine and its dramatic global consequences, he is mistaken,” Baerbock said on Tuesday before departing for the G20 foreign ministers’ meeting in Brazil.

“We will never abandon the basic principles of the United Nations and will stand firmly by Ukraine – for as long as necessary and until its people can live in peace and freedom again,” added Baerbock.

Ukraine, the war in Gaza and the threat of conflagration in the Middle East will play an important role at the G20 meeting.

Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov is expected to attend the meeting in Rio de Janiero.


“With our humanity and commitment to international law we push back against the ruthlessness of actors such as the Russian government, who are only interested in the right of the strongest,” Baerbock said ahead of the meeting.

The whole world will benefit “if everyone sticks to the rules that we have agreed together,” she said.

On Friday Baerbock plans to give speeches at the United Nations in New York in the UN General Assembly and in the UN Security Council on the anniversary of Russia’s full-scale invasion of its neighbour.

The G20 was founded with the confidence “that joint solutions are possible if we stand together and join forces,” said Baerbock.

This includes “finally dusting off old, entrenched structures and making our international institutions fit for a world in upheaval,” she said.

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