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GUU raises alarm over plot to defraud people through fake admission letter

Gregory University Uturu ( GUU)
Gregory University Uturu ( GUU)

Maduako Igbokwe I Monday, July 03, 2023


UTURU, Abia, Nigeria – Gregory University Uturu ( GUU) has raised an alarm over one Dr Mrs Stella B Dennis who wants to defraud innocent people of various sums of money in exchange for fake admission letters of the institution.

GUU in a statement issued by its Deputy Registrar, Communication & Strategy Sleek Ogwo warned those seeking admission into university to be wary of scammers.

“The public is hereby alerted of the fraudulent activities of one Dr Mrs Stella B Dennis, who is currently deploying telephone number 09125210477 and email address [email protected] to defraud innocent people of various sums of money in exchange for fake admission letters to Gregory University Uturu.

Sequel to this ugly development, Management of Gregory University Uturu wishes to reinstate the obvious fact that, in keeping with our established tradition, all protocols for admission into the institution for the forthcoming 2023/2024 academic session will be conducted either in person at the university campus, which is located at Amaokwe Achara Uturu, or via our official portal www.gregoryuniversityuturu.edu.ng.


Subsequently, members of the public are advised to disregard all solicitations from faceless individuals, groups and organizations whose stock in trade is to fraudulently obtain monies from unsuspecting people, but rather report such activities to law enforcement agents.

Management has therefore petitioned appropriate security agencies on these nefarious activities as arrangements are being completed to formally open the admission window for the 2023/2024 academic session.

Please be properly guided” it stated.


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