Emmanuel Thomas, DPA, Friday, June 16, 2023
Vatican sacks Georg Gänswein, Pope Benedict XVI’s confidant

FREIBURG – Pope Benedict XVI’s long-time private secretary, Georg Gänswein, has lost his top Vatican post as prefect of the Papal Household.
The Holy See said on Thursday that the German archbishop, who had already taken a leave of absence, is returning to his home diocese of Freiburg by July 1 on the instructions of Pope Francis.
Gänswein was one of former pope Benedict’s closest confidants for around two decades and lived with him in a monastery in the Vatican until the former pope died on New Year’s Eve 2022.
Benedict was pope until 2013, when he resigned in a historic step. Thursday’s statement confirms earlier reports that Gänswein would be heading back to Freiburg in south-western Germany although he does not have a post there.
Relations between Gänswein and Francis have long been strained as after Benedict stepped down as pope, he continued to comment on Catholic Church policy, at times indirectly criticizing his successor. Some suspected Gänswein had influenced him in this, though he denied it.
Furthermore, Gänswein published a book about Benedict shortly after the death of the former pope. His aggressive promotion of the work caused irritation in the Vatican.
Meanwhile back in Freiburg, Gänswein’s return means the city faces a rare situation with two archbishops, namely Stephan Burger as head of the archdiocese and Gänswein, who is returning from Rome though for now without a clear role.