The miracle leaf that saved my brother from enlarged prostrate complications

Enlarged prostrate complication, herbal leaf to the rescue
The miracle leaf for prostrate complication, called ogbe orí àkùkọ* in Yoruba language

Admin l Saturday, January 14, 2023


LAGOS, Nigeria – Prostrate, one of the problems that afflict aging male and sometimes making almost impossible for many to urinate.

Although many have suffered from this ailment, moving from one hospital to the other, sometimes without any remedy. But it seems, a very simple solution lurks within your immediate environment.

A middle aged man whose brother suffered terribly from prostrate problem shared this miracle leaf, which he said cured his brother in just three days.

We warn that we are not able to verify the report but he spoke confidently about the herbal remedy.

According to him, the leaf saved his brother who had already been programmed for operation to heal his maladies. His brother was already moving around with urinary bag before somebody showed up with the solution to his prostrate problem. He said the miracle leaf is called Ogbe Ori akuko in Yoruba language.

“The above plant just healed my brother of enlarged prostate complications within 3 days! He was slated  for an operation and already carrying urinary bag around.

“In short, he was already dying…then someone introduced the plant to him, and he took a little quantity of the juice extracted from it twice a day and that was it!

“Within 3 days, the catheter dropped off and he started urinating by himself. All the symptoms disappeared. The plant is called *ogbe orí àkùkọ* in Yoruba language. It’s called scorpion tail in VTEnglish. Pls don’t continue to suffer when the solution is readily available and affordable…… “, he said.

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    • Get u quantity of it, remove the leaves,wash very well..Squeze it and sieve with a clean white handkerchief…pls dont add water dtink like a shot moring, afternoon and night…and the prostate symptoms are gone


  • Good day sir, Please go and read the article thoroughly, I think the man explained what you need to do. We are neither into medical nor herbal medicine. The man who shared the story revealed how he prepared it. Please read the article thoroughly again. Thanks for the interest.

  • If you need the Leaf/Herb contact me through WhatsApp on 08098537142. Message only. Thanks.

  • I just read about the miracle ogbe ori akuko that cures prostate enlargement pls let us know the situation of the man that drank the juice from the leaf. We need to know if he continues drinking or he drank it 3 days and cures or he continues drinking everyday up till now in order to avoid re occurrence of the enlargement tx

  • Starconnect I need Quantity please,. I mean how to measure it so someone won’t use overdose that will affect kidney

    • Pls check the threads to this story, the person who has the experience has provided his phone contact on one of them. Thanks

  • I’m interested in this herb and would like to try it bcos I don’t have money for surgical treatments.
    Please let me know the biological or botanical name of the herb and how it is prepared.

    • Good day, please check the threads in the discussion, you will find the phone number of the person to call to further your discussions. Thanks

    • HELIOTROPIUM INDICUM. You may Google it and see the picture of the leaf. Or, Google: Botanical name of the leaf Yoruba calls OGBE ORI AKUKO

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