NDE to tackle youths unemployment through agriculture, vocational training – DG

Maduako Igbokwe l Wednesday, April 13, 2022
ONITSHA, Anambra, Nigeria – National Directorate of Employment NDE has said that it will be tackling unemployment through agriculture ,vocational and entrepreneurship training.
The Director -General of NDE Mallam Abubakar Nuhu Fikpo stated this on Wednesday at the orientation ceremony of sustainable agricultural development training scheme (SADTS) and loan distribution to graduates of various agricultural scheme held in Awka Anambra state .
Fikpo represented by Mr. Sylvester Ekemhonye, Director, said that agriculture remains the only sector that has the capacity to reduce the high rate of poverty and unemployment in the country through provision of opportunity to millions of Nigeria across agricultural value chains.
” The large number of unemployment persons , who are basically youths with a lot of vigour and energy can be encouraged to take up agriculture as a means of livelihood if adequate trainings and start up fund are provided for them as loans. This will encourage them to engage in agricultural production ( livestock/ crop production along it’s values chains ” he said.
The DG further said NDE ,through Rural Employment Promotion Department is organising SADTS for graduates of higher institutions , school leavers and retirees, using experiential learning method of farm demonstrations.
He said that they will also use tutorial on industry best practice in seven skills namely , crop production , livestock management , micro- livestock, food processing , preservation and storage , agro- services and farm management
” The participants will also be trained on enterprise management,Business plans preparation , value enhancing life skills and success attitude. They are encouraged to form corporate in order to benefit from the resettlement packages and also have access loan from financial institution ” he said .
According to him, the success of the SADTS implementation in the past led to the management approval for the scheme to be replicated in the 36 states and federal capital territory , Abuja
Following the implementation , he said that 3,700 participants are recruited across the country with 100 per a state.
Speaking at the event, the coordinator of Anambra state NDE Mrs .Chika Ufelle said that she believes that after the training, they would have acquired knowledge to enable them succeed in their various agro ventures.
She therefore urged the participants to take the training serious and put in their best so that at the end ,they would be self employed by establishing their business.
According to her, the directorate has given out loans to 38 beneficiaries made up of unemployed persons of various categories in Anambra state.