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Interswitch unveils whitepaper on Blockchain Technology

Interswitch: Pioneering Innovation and Driving Thought Leadership

Admin l Sunday, October 17, 2021

LAGOS, Nigeria – Africa’s leading integrated digital payment and e-commerce company, Interswitch Group, has unveiled its whitepaper on blockchain technology titled“Blockchain Technology: The Future of Africa’s Digital Economy” to help drive the growth of African businesses.

The white paper document contains details on how businesses can leverage blockchain technology to transform their businessesand the prospects it portends for the future of Africa’s digital economy.

The blockchain technology is a digital ledger that stores transactions. Essentially, it is a digital system for recording transactions in multiple places at the same time thereby making it impossible to falsify the data stored on it. 

Akeem Lawal, Managing Director, Transaction Switching and Payment Processing at Interswitch commented, “The whitepaper document was inspired by the need to demystify the ambiguity around blockchain technologyfor African businesses thereby driving digitization and socio-economic growth across African markets. We are passionate about empowering Africans and advancing the African payment landscape, and we are consistently identifying opportunities and exploring innovative ways to enable businesses transform and scale.”


He revealed that the whitepaper document encapsulates the benefits of blockchain technology and how it will help strengthen businesses because of its efficiency, better security in keeping records and safety.

He further said: “While the blockchain technology is a relatively new phenomenon in Nigeria and Africa, we are particularly excited about our partnership with Interstellar with whom we are developing a native blockchain infrastructure that is tailored to suit the African market.This initiative will deepen digital payment, lower the cost of local and cross border payment as well as champion the cause for localization of emerging technology”.

He urged everyone to read the whitepaper document because it addresses existing challenges in the Fintech sector and simplifies the use of blockchain technology in unravelling these challenges. To download the whitepaper, go to https://www.interswitchgroup.com/blockchain The blockchain technology is evolving globally and businesses are integrating the Blockchain technology into their business infrastructure.

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