Admin l Monday, October 18, 2021
Angel: I will not change my values for you

LAGOS, Nigeria – Angle Smith, one of the finalists in the Big Brother Naija reality show noted for her waywardness and always exposing herself during the show has said she will not change her value for anyone.
She said she is unwilling to be pushed into any routine expected of women. As she puts it, to be a woman in modern day societymeans to look at the sun in its full afternoon glory and pretend it doesn’t burn your eyes, as if the tears that fallout from your eyes because of its scorching rays are tears of joy and not of hurt.
She said she will not mask her feelings as expected. “To be a woman, they say, is to mask your feelings and live as though the things that bring you joy are things to be ashamed of but I refuse to listen because to be a woman is simply to be.
“I refuse to listen because how dare they try to define who I am? I refuse to listen because I have value simply because I exist, I refuse to listen because why should I live according to their own compass of how a woman should be? How she should eat?
“How she should live? I refuse to listen because the world will just have to adjust to the woman I am and the woman I will be, I refuse to listen because how dare they try to define what I am, the body I exist in, to me?”, she said.