Admin l Tuesday, Sept. 08, 2020
U.S sanctions former Lebanese ministers over Hezbollah

WASHINGTON – The United States today imposed sanctions on two former Lebanese ministers, Yusuf Finyanus and Ali Hassan Khalil.
In a statement, Secretary of State, Michael R. Pompeo, designated them pursuant to Executive Order (E.O.) 13224 as amended for providing material support to Hizballah,(Hezbollah) a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization and Specially Designated Global Terrorist.
According to Michael Pompeo, while holding positions in previous Lebanese cabinets, Finyanus and Khalil directed political and economic favors to Hezbollah, including ensuring Hezbollah-owned companies won government contracts worth millions of dollars and moving money from government ministries to Hezbollah-associated institutions.
“Today’s designations demonstrate that Lebanese politicians who have provided a false veneer of political legitimacy to Hezbollah or abused their positions to direct public funds to the terrorist group are as responsible for its entrenched influence as Hezbollah’s own members or the corrupt businessmen and money launderers that have helped fund the group for decades”, the statement said.
The statement added that Hizballah depends on Lebanon’s corrupt political system for survival.
“Anyone helping to advance Hizballah’s political or economic interests is further eroding what remains of effective governance and facilitating financing for terrorism.
“The Lebanese people deserve better, and the United States will continue to support their calls for an end to corruption and political stagnation”, the statement said, adding that for too long, Lebanon’s political leaders have ignored their responsibility to address the needs of their people and instead built a political system that serves their private interests.
Pompeo alluded to the August 4 explosion at the Beirut port as the most recent and tragic demonstration of Lebanon’s dysfunctional political system, which has also enabled a terrorist group to hold the country’s governance hostage to its own agenda.
He restated that the United States supports the Lebanese people’s call for reform, and “we will use all available authorities to promote accountability for Lebanese leaders who have failed their people”, the statement added.