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Coronavirus: 20,049 active in Nigeria, 21, 278 in Chile, see 10 others

Nigeria records 600 new cases of Coronavirus
Civil service reforms yields new secretariat in Edo State


  • Russia: 207, 428
  • Chile: 21, 278
  • SA:  154, 607
  • Mexico: 28, 786
  • Iran: 22, 776
  • Germany: 7,057
  • Spain: 81, 459
  • Italy: 12, 456
  • China: 652

Admin l Friday, July 17, 2020

LAGOS, Nigeria – The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has confirmed 600 new cases of Coronavirus, bringing the total number to 35,454 cases.

Out of the 35, 454 cases, 14,633 Nigerians have been discharged, while 772 others could not make it alive, leaving Nigeria with 20,049 active cases.

Breakdown of the 600 cases of Coronavirus is as follows: Lagos-129,  FCT-118,  Oyo-87,  Kano-55, Benue-42,  Enugu-35,  Kwara-28, Imo-16,  Ogun-13,  Kaduna-12, Ondo-12,  Delta-11, Edo-11,  Plateau-8,  Nasarawa-6,  Ekiti-6, Niger-6,  Borno-4,  Abia-4 and Gombe-3.

“NCDC@NCDC gov 600 new cases of #COVID19Nigeria; Lagos-129 FCT-118 Oyo-87 Kano-55 Benue-42 Enugu-35 Kwara-28 Imo-16 Ogun-13 Kaduna-12 Ondo-12 Delta-11 Edo-11 Plateau-8 Nasarawa-6 Ekiti-6 Niger-6 Borno-4 Abia-4 Gombe-3;  35,454 confirmed 14,633 discharged 772 deaths”, NCDC said in a statement.

There are currently 13, 927, 440 confirmed cases  of Coronavirus, 593,218 deaths, while 7,799, 879 others have recovered based on the latest figures released by the Centre for Systems Science and Engineering, John Hopkins University, Maryland at 11PM, Friday night.

The United States still remains the most affected country worldwide, reporting 3, 622, 709 cases,  138, 910 deaths, while 1,090, 645 Americans have recovered, leaving the United States with 2, 393, 154 active cases, followed by Brazil, which has now crossed the 2 million mark. There are currently 2, 012, 151 confirmed cases, 76, 688 deaths, while 1,398,471 others have recovered, leaving Brazil with 536, 992 active cases.



India is next,  with 1,003, 832 confirmed cases, 25, 602 deaths, while 635, 757 others have recovered, leaving India with 342, 473 active cases of the pandemic, followed by  Russia with 758,001 cases, 12,106 deaths, while 538, 467 Russians have recovered, leaving Russia with 207, 428 active cases of the pandemic.

Peru is next with 341, 586 cases, 12, 615 deaths, while 230, 994 others have recovered, leaving Peru with 97, 977  active cases, followed by  South Africa(6) with 337, 594 confirmed cases of the pandemic, 4, 804 deaths, while 178, 183 South Africans have recovered, leaving the state with 154, 607 active cases, followed by  Chile with 326, 439 cases, 8, 347 deaths, while 296, 814 Chileans have recovered, leaving Chile with  21, 278 active cases.

Mexico is next with  324, 041 cases, 37,574 deaths, while 257, 681 Mexicans have been discharged, leaving the state with  28, 786 active cases of Coronavirus, followed by the United Kingdom with 294, 803 confirmed cases, 45, 318 deaths, while 1, 403 others have recovered, leaving the United Kingdom with  248, 082 active cases, followed by  Iran with 269, 440 cases, 13, 791 deaths, while 232, 873 others have recovered, leaving Iran with 22, 776 active cases of the pandemic.

Spain is next, with 260, 255 cases,  28, 420 deaths, while 150,376 others have been discharged, leaving Spain with 81, 459 active cases, followed by Saudi Arabia(13th  ) with 245, 851  confirmed cases, 2,407 deaths, while 191, 161 others have been discharged, leaving Saudi Arabia with 52, 283 active cases.

Italy,  in 14 spot in the ranks of most affected countries has reported 243,967 documented cases, 35,028 deaths, while 196, 483  others have recovered, leaving Italy with 12, 456 active cases, followed by France(16th) with 211, 104 confirmed cases, 30, 141 deaths, while 79,161 others have recovered, leaving France with  101, 802 active cases, followed by  Germany(17th in the rank of most affected nations ) with 203, 045 cases, 9,088 deaths, while 186, 900 others have recovered, leaving Germany with 7,057 active cases of the pandemic and China where the virus was first reported.

China (25th in the league) just behind Egypt now has  85, 314 cases, 4, 644 deaths, while 80, 018 Chinese have recovered, leaving China with 652 active cases of the pandemic.

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