Admin l Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Mike Bamiloye reflects on COVID-19, says it’s beyond the power of man
LAGOS, Nigeria- Veteran filmmaker, Evangelist Mike Bamiloye is sad. He has never been this sad, but the COVID-19, which has infected 416, 916 people and killed 18, 865 globally got him thinking, very deep too.
His conclusion is that COVID-19 has forced man, the most powerful nation, some of whom have elevated themselves to the status of god to confess there truly is a supreme being, who created all things and HIM alone can still the raging storm.
It’s beyond the power of man
We are all comng to the realization of the Mightiness of God.
We are now coming to the understanding of the fact of His Sovereingty over the Souls of men.
We are now being compelled to recognise Him as Lord of Lord’s.
I saw a Prime Minister of European nation in tears and in agony of heart, confessing that his government could no longer handle the situations.
I saw Experienced Nurses and Doctors overwhelmed with numbers of Cases they could no longer attend to.
I saw Medical specialist of highly equipped Hospitals, watching helplessly as patients breathed their last in their Presence and they could do nothing!
I Saw an array of Coffins that carried corpses.
I saw a group of grave diggers employed by government to dig ready a Thousand Graves for the on coming newly deads.
Crematorium are overwhelmed. They had more than they could burn.
Nations have shut down.
No Planes are flying.
Schools have closed.
Hospitals are full.
Citizens are scared.
Presidents and Prime Ministers of Nations are getting Contracted.
The Rich and the Poor are not spared.
And the Virus is spreading faster than it can be curtailed.
People are dying fast.
So, Now….
Who do we call for help?
Do we call the overwhelmed World Health Organization?
Do we call the Confused United Nations?
Do we call on the Helpless Western Nations?
We would call upon the Lord.
We would raise our Voices up . HIM.
HE rules in the Affairs of Men.
He controls the Hearts of Men.
He Only can still the Raging Storms.
He made the World.
Only Him can fix it.