IRGC-QF: U.S hits Adrian Darya 1, lables Kumar Akhilesh SDGT

Admin l Saturday, August 31, 2019
WASHINGTON, United States – The Department of Treasury today took a drastic action against Adrian Darya 1, classifying its captain, Kumar Akhilesh a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) Shipping Network under E.O. 13224.
According to a statement from the department, he was so designated for acting for or on behalf of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force (IRGC-QF), a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) Shipping Network under E.O. 13224.
Since the vessel’s mid-August release from detention in Gibraltar, the statement, added, Kumar Akhilesh has assumed the role of captain.
“He is now a designated individual and will suffer significant negative consequences”, adding that any who would consider supporting the IRGC should heed this warning.
“With today’s action, the sanctioned individuals and entities will be denied access to the U.S. financial system and listed online as SDGTs. In addition, a freeze will be placed on any U.S. assets.
“Non-U.S. persons who knowingly provide significant goods, services, or support to the individuals and entities designated today may themselves face sanctions consequences, the department noted, adding that the Iranian regime continues to foment regional conflicts, develop and proliferate ballistic missiles, hold foreign citizens hostage, brutalize its own people, and sponsor terrorism on an unprecedented scale.
“It is also expanding its uranium enrichment-related activities. The United States will continue to increase pressure on the Iranian regime until it changes its behavior”, the U.S said.