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Mike Pompeo calls Atiku, assures of commitment to free, fair elections

Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP), Alhaji Atiku Abubakar

Admin l Friday, Feb. 15, 2019

ADAMAWA, Nigeria – U.S Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo today spoke to Presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party(PDP), Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, assuring him of the commitment of the international community to free and fair elections in Nigeria.

Atiku Abubakar who made the revelation on the social media wished Nigerians a peaceful elections.

“Earlier today I received a call from US Secretary of State, @SecPompeo, who reaffirmed the international community’s commitment to free and fair elections in Nigeria. Wishing you all a peaceful elections, wherever you are. God bless Nigeria”, he said on the social media.


The PDP presidential candidate rounded up his campaign in Adamawa on Thursday and has stayed back for the election coming up on Saturday

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