Admin l Monday, May 22, 2017

NORTHAMPTON, United States – Smith College, United States at the weekend rewarded showbiz top personality, Oprah Winfrey with honorary Doctorate Degree.
Speaking at the ecent, Oprah Winfrey urged Smith graduates to live with intention, and to seek fulfillment by “shifting the paradigm to service.”
“This understanding that there is an alignment between who you are and what you do is the real, true empowerment,” Winfrey said.
Winfrey said a turning point in her career came when she decided that she would no longer be used by television.
“I would use television to create a platform that could be of service to its viewers. Shift the paradigm to service and the rewards will come,” she added.
Winfrey cited the transformation that Mpungose, her academy “daughter,” underwent during her time at Smith.
“She came here praying that she’d measure up. She leaves confident and assured, with her heart on fire to serve a cause greater than her own”, she said, adding that the hope of seeing such transformations in other young women is what led her to found the academy after a visit with Nelson Mandela—and to want to speak at Smith’s Commencement.
“When you educate a girl, you are not just educating her, you are educating her to create opportunities” for others”, she said.