Emmanuel Thomas l Friday, February 03, 2017

IKEJA,Lagos, Nigeria – The Big Brother Naija show is catching on and it seems Nigerians are having lots fun with the programme. No thanks to the naughty things, it has portrayed about Nigeria.
From sex to haughtiness, rudeness, lack of self control to intolerance and a setting only befitting of riff-raffs controlled by alcohol and cigarettes. An atmosphere dominated by mental laziness with nothing to challenge the intellect.
Where on earth does leaving the fridge open degenerate into an open brawl with ladies(Debbie Rise and Bisola) who ought to be role models challenging each other to a fight under the influence of alcohol just because they want to get tomatoes to prepare noodles when deduction of points would have done a Yeoman’s job.
What do the housemates stand to gain at the end of the charade called Big Brother Naija. Is it the sexual flings between Miyonce and Tboss or that between Soma and Marvis? The smoking incident and wild party involving lap dance?
Could it be the need to extend the hands of care to those lacking based on the task outlined for Day 10. This seems the only thing so far worth taking home from the house.
But to be candid, it seems the housemates will leave the Big Brother House notorious for social vices, with Nigeria at the receiving end as a country lacking virtue unless things are done urgently to change the focus.
I guess no beautiful bride will agree to marry a man who has been so badly portrayed.