Admin l November 21, 2016

Lausanne – The International Olympic Committee (IOC) today sanctioned 12 athletes for using performance enhancing drugs at the Beijing 2008 and London 2012 Olympic Games.
They are Andrey DEMANOV, 31 of Russia, Oleksandr DRYGOL, 50, of Ukraine, Cristina IOVU, 24, of Moldova, Alexandr IVANOV, 27 of the Russia, Hripsime KHURSHUDYAN, 29, of Armenia, Iryna KULESHA, 30, of Belarus, Rauli TSIREKIDZE, 29, of Georgia, Margaryta TVERDOKHLIB, 25, of Ukraine, Almas UTESHOV, 28, of Kazakhstan, Nataliya ZABOLOTNAYA, 31, of the Russia, Yuliya Zaripova, 30, of the Russia, Anatoli CIRICU, 28, of Moldova.
The IOC Disciplinary Commission, composed for this case of Mr Denis Oswald (Chairman), Mrs Gunilla Lindberg and Mr Ugur Erdener found them guilty after re-analysis of their samples from the Olympics resulted in a positive test for the prohibited substances ranging from dehydrochlormethyltestosterone (turinabol) to other prohibited substances.
The athletes are required to return diploma and medals obtained during the affected Olympic games to the IOC.