Omamus Thomas
The actress not long ago took to her instagram page and posted photographs befitting of her new brand but unbefitting of descent ladies.
In this photograph which promised to be offensive to many, she posed in her fancy car, almost letting all eyes into her private parts.
Adanma Luke Ozuligbo hails from Ekwulumili, Nnewi South Local Government Area of Anambra State. Born into a family of three, the graduate of Cooperative Economics from Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State was a member of Federation Theatres Students in school and took part in lots stage jobs and also and is credited for taking part in one film production, “Just Once.”
She has featured in a number of films including Sweet16, Girls at War, Bloody Carnival, Royal Secret, Head of the Prince, The Chief Cook, The Sharp Guys, Power of a king, Bird of Darkness, Diva’s World, Star Secret, The King and the gods and many more.