By Our Reporter
November 13, 2015 – Men of God have continued to conceive innovative ways in the quest to win souls for God and his kingdom in fulfillment of Mathew 24: 14.

In Ojodu, Lagos, for instance, Mobile Pastors are a regular phenomenon. They have no fixed followers like the regular pastors who have their churches where they gather to preach soul-winning messages.
For these set of pastors, the motorists and passersby are the target of the message. While some have been able to further the message using all types of battery-powered microphones, one of them seems to have gone a step further to acquire a tricycle which he decorated in a colourful and attractive manner, fitted with a deafening microphone, the type that could power a church of 300 worshipers.
Besides, he has been able to reinforce the roof of the tricycle to serve as a platform surrounded with insightful messages, Jesus, on one side and You Must Be Born Again, Don’t Die In Sin, on the other side. On this platform he stands like an imposing stature, well dressed, to herald his message using the microphone to the bewildered passersby.
But he is not alone; he also has a colleague on standby.
His concern seems to be the message, not-withstanding the noise, which the Lagos State Government has prohibited in public places, but what matters to him is the message and he seems to be very happy doing it.