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UEFA Bans Cleared FIGC President for Calling African Player Monkey

Carlo Tavecchio, President of FIGC

October 7, 2014 – European Football Governing Body (UEFA) has banned President Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio(FIGC), Mr. Carlo Tavecchio from attending its next congress and from holding any position within UEFA in the next six months.

Tavecchio was banned as a result of the racist comment he made in August, 2014, UEFA has said adding that its disciplinary and ethics panel had also ordered the 71-year-old Italian to organise racism awareness event in Italy.

UEFA imposed the ban even though FIGC,which he presides has cleared him of the same offence.

Tavecchio had called an African player Opti Poba “eating bananas” , (meaning monkey) while he was campaigning for the FIGC presidency.


“In England, they identify the players coming in and, if they are professional, they are allowed to play. Here instead we get ‘Opti Poba’, who previously ate bananas and then suddenly becomes a first-team player with Lazio, ” the 71 year old Italian said in a speech to a meeting of the assembly of Italy’s amateur leagues (LND).

“Mr. Tavecchio will be ineligible for any position as a UEFA Official for a period of six months starting from the communication of this decision. (He) will not participate in the next UEFA Congress scheduled for 24 March 2015; (he) will organise a special event in Italy aimed at increasing awareness and compliance with the principles of UEFA’s Resolution entitled European Football united against racism, ” UEFA said.

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