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100 Anambra Achievers’ felicitates with Soludo @60

Prof Charles Soludo epitomises one of Nigeria's leading lights
Former Governor of CBN, Professor Charles Soludo

Says he epitomises one of Nigeria’s leading lights

Admin l Wednesday, July 29, 2020

ONITSHA, Nigeria – The 100 Anambra Achievers Team has praised the sterling qualities of former Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Governor, Prof Chukwuma C.Soludo, as he clocks 60.

The team in a statement in Onitsha described the Professor of Economics as “a national asset and one of Nigeria’s very best in the academia and public service”.

In the release signed by one of the Coordinators of Anambra Achievers, Barr Lizzy Anyaonu, the group maintained that despite the gloom and doom of Covid 19 ,people like Soludo are the shining lights of the country, and  his birthday deserves rolling out the drums,  particularly at this time when the younger generations are in dire need of role models, urging him to remain focused and steadfast in the service of the nation.

According to Barr Anyaonu, the story of Soludo’s rise  to the top  can be an inspiration to the younger generation  who believe that their background can always be a barrier to their success in life..

The team wished him more years, stellar performances in all his endeavours, God’s protection and direction as he celebrates his three score years of impactful existence on earth.



“At 60, it is abundantly clear that you have made indelible marks in the academia and public service. Indeed, your stellar performance has become a reference point; a yardstick for others  and an inspiration to the younger generation.


“Your days at CBN were the glorious period of the apex bank. There is no doubt that your appointment to head Anambra State Vision – 2050 Plan  and  as one of the few Nigerians to drive the economic recovery of our ailing economy are all testament to your first rate  commitment to the developmemt of our country,  Nigeria and Anambra State”  said the team.

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