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From Israeli prison, 2024 Booker Prize winner, Bassem Khandakji dedicates prize to Palestinian Martyrs

Palestinian Prisoner in Israeli jail wins Booker Prize 2024 for Arabic Fiction
Booker Prize Winner 2024 for Arabic Fiction, Bassem Khandakji

Emmanuel Ukudolo I Thursday, June 20, 2024


ISRAEL – Palestinian writer, Bassem Khandakji, whose novel, “A Mask, the colour of the Sky” won the International Booker Prize 2024 for Arabic Fiction has written from prison where he is serving life sentence stressing that the hope for a Palestinian State seems closer than ever before.

In his letter, he said the occupation forces have tried to hide the truth but that it is for the people of Palestine to reveal it.

The 40 year old writer dedicates the achievement to all the martyrs who died in their struggle for a free and sovereign state of Palestine.

He learnt of the development following his transfer and question after the organisers announced him as winner of the Booker Prize.

“I have learned that my novel “Mask of the Sky” won the 2024 International Booker Prize for Arabic Fiction. I was transferred for interrogation by the occupation’s intelligence, and I learned then, through their questions, that the novel had won the prize.

“ This achievement is dedicated to the souls of the martyrs of our Palestinian people and to the prisoners’ movement in the occupation’s prisons.

His full letter:

“Dear friends, I greet you from behind the prison bars that are nearly rusted, for it will not be long until we celebrate freedom and literature together, to be together and continue to call out in the name of Palestine. The occupation has tried to hide the truth, but we must all reveal it.


“Mercy to the martyrs of our Palestinian people in Gaza and in every place. Let us always be free in this world.

“I have learned that my novel ” Mask of the Sky” won the 2024 International Booker Prize for Arabic Fiction. I was transferred for interrogation by the occupation’s intelligence, and I learned then, through their questions, that the novel had won the prize.

“This achievement is dedicated to the souls of the martyrs of our Palestinian people and to the prisoners’ movement in the occupation’s prisons”, he said.

Bassem Khandakji was born December 22, 1983 and was arrested November 2, 2004 and sentenced to life imprisonment. Right from the prison, he published several novels, among which is Eclipse of Baderddine(2018). Other books include, A Mask, the Colour of the Sky.

He studied Journalism at the An-Najah National University.



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